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The JEIFA Institute welcomes critics, enthusiasts, fans, practitioners and scholars of film/cinema to join the institute. Membership is free and open to any individuals with an interest in Film/Cinema, recognition of excellence in film and enthusiasts of film awards. Applicants to the JEIFA Institute must fill out the form below.


Membership Perks and Restrictions:
• Members have no legal or financial obligation to the JEIFA Institute and JEIFA has no legal or financial responsibility to its members.
• Members receive advance notice of potential nominees for JEIFA Awards to facilitate pre-voting viewing.
• Members receive email updates on upcoming awards/deadlines and early access to the voting portal.
• Members on rarer occasion are invited to participate in e-discussions on JEIFA policies, categories and other issues relevant to JEIFA’s mission and awards.



JEIFA will never share your email address with anyone.
Please indicate your country.
If from the United States or Canada, please indicate what U.S. State or Territory or what Canadian Province you are from.
Please indicate your interest in being a part of the JEIFA Institute. Click all that apply. Please see below for a description of each option.
New Members, please click "New Member." Current members looking to change their membership status please click "Current Member."




All members are eligible to vote in the JEIFA Awards.  Membership is not a requirement to vote.  Any member may participate in the Voting, Policy and Social Media aspects of the JEIFA Institute based on their interest.  Only members who have declared a particular interest will receive emails/notifications relevant to that area.  Any member interested in altering their membership status may submit a new application to amend their status.


Award Voting

Members designated as Award Voting Members receive email updates starting in December on upcoming JEIFA Awards deadlines, advance notice on films receiving JEIFA Nominations, and invitations to vote in the early voting period.  Their involvement as members is primarily from December – February.

JEIFA Policy

Members Designated as Policy Members receive invitations to participate in online discussions on JEIFA Institute Awards policies  Their involvement as members is primarily from September – February in years the Institute is entertaining a motion to alter the Awards Program.  Otherwise, their involvement is the same as Award Voting members.

Social Media

Members Designated as Social Media members are asked to take an active role in support of the dissemination of JEIFA nominations and awards through Social Media, websites, etc.  Their involvement as members is primarily from December – March but may be throughout the year.  Social Media members have permission to access JEIFA Branding, award nomination and win announcements and other such material for promotion of awards through various Media.

Governing Board

Membership in the Governing Board of the JEIFA Institute is by invitation only.  Governors have broad access to the JEIFA Institute website, assist in the management of JEIFA infrastructure, awards tabulations for nominations and winners, and other areas as needed.  Governors do not have any influence in the outcome of nominations/winners beyond the same right of all members to participate in the JEIFA Poll.